Monday 9 September 2013

Conventions and style features:

Problem Pages:

The three problem pages, 'Astro agony', 'Ask Dr Christian' and 'Solving family dilemmas with Suzie',   have two main objectives, to answer people problems and to make readers more open and comfortable with writting to the agony aunts featured on their pages. These are the features that help them to do that.

Colours- All use light pastel colours, this shows a calming tone to the problem pages which would make the reader more open. Also by using these colours shows the target audience to be more swayed towards women as it is mostly pinks.

Photograghy- All of these problems pages show a photo of the person you are writing to which gives the reader more security as they have a face to go with the words on the page which would make them feel more comfortable and open. They also have a couple more photos to draw your eye in for example in  'Ask Dr Christian' it shows a picture of Kate Thornton which may interest a reader that would not normally read the page to read it. 

Tone- The agony aunts convey a tone of scincerety " I'm sorry you're going through this." again making the readers connect with them more. They always answer the questions they are given with enough solutions to satisfy the reader and therfore create a stronger bond between the reader and agony aunt.

Content-Each magazine article take on their problem pages from different angles from Family dilemmas to mystical guidance to Health related matters, which is made clear from the heading of each article, this makes it easier for the readers to be able to find out and contact who they want.

Layout- All of these articles are laid out almost in the same manner, bright colours to differentiate between the questions asked and answers given. Also they all feature a box of text which stands out more than the rest, drawing the readers maybe to read that first. The text in the articles are all very block-ey with clear columns making it easy for the reader to pick and choose which problems they want to read. Which all conveys to the tone of a free flowing calming piece which does not push you into anything.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great article!!! I wish id read this before posting mine, I missed alot of key points off mine :/
