Friday, 13 December 2013

Draft feature article:

Sitting across from the brand new band, ‘Author’s Note’, in the Mix Tape studio; I can barely contain my excitement. With their coffees in hand, they are glowing with the success of their debut album’s release.  Where to start? Their immense growth into fame in just 6 months is kind of daunting, but their cheery smiles and laughter is an encouraging start. As I set down my drink, their nerves begin to show but with a few jokes tossed around we’re ready to start.

Prue Sierra (Left) and Morwenna Scott (Right) first met in 2008 when Morwenna‘s dad was offered a new job in Canterbury; so they moved from their cottage home in Cornwall to find a new one. Of course with a new house and city comes a new school, this is where the pair first met; in a GCSE French class where Morwenna was seated next to Prue. They instantly hit it off and through the next coming months got together to make the band- they didn’t do too well in their French exams, however, after finishing school in 2010 they were busking on the streets of Canterbury and were spotted by, their now manager, George Kase and it is from here that their career escalated into what it is today.

So, David Ives has named you “the most original indie band he’s heard in a long time” How does it feel to rise into fame in such a short time?

[P] Ha, I thought you said you’d being going easy, that’s a loaded first question...[M] I suppose we’re still getting used to it. It’s a pretty daunting prospect but really exciting.

Is there anything you have been doing to prepare yourself for the fame?

[P] Not really, [M] Sorry guys you’re going to have to deal with our weirdness! [P] Ha! Yeah sorry about that but on the seriously note, to be honest, we want to promote ourselves as truthfully as possible so we can relate to our listeners more. We don’t want to be the people that everybody looks to thinking ‘I wish I was like them’ we want to be the people who you could just go and pick up a guitar and be on your way!

I’ve got your debut album here with me, which I have been listening to nonstop all week- It’s amazing! Can you just tell us a bit about it?

[M] Yeah, it’s really just about all the fun to have in life, not really caring and getting on with things- it’s upbeat and we really hope it will get through to people.

So, what was the inspiration behind it?

[P] We were really fed up with the majority of music being about bad breakup and sad times, and yeah bad stuff does happen but why dwell on it! Think about the good things in life! So we wrote the album in hope that it would lighten someone’s day!

As we come to the close of our interview I just have one last question for you guys. What is your favourite song of the album?

[M] Well, mine is definitely ‘Caring isn’t an Advantage’ because it was the song that made us, really, the first we ever wrote that was actually any good. [P] I’m really proud of all the songs we’ve got on the album but I’d have to say it’s ‘Runner’ because it’s a really uplifting song that hits everybody in different way and it was our first song with a music video and it was just great fun to do!

Well, it’s been great to talk to you and I urge everybody to buy your album. Any parting words?

Just to say, it’s been great, thank you!



Sunday, 10 November 2013

Photography plan

Here is the plan for all the photography I will need take in order to put in my music magazine, the props, models, costumes and locations.

Front Cover:
Main image- The band sat/leaning on a green 'Lambretta' (long shot)
'Plus!' banner- Another band that will feature in my music magazine being happy
                      and smiley.

Contents page:
Two polaroid style photographs (feature article bands)- Band sat in tree (long shot)
                                                                                   - Artist stood outside (mid shot)
Mix Tape of the month winner- Not professional looking picture (meant to be home taken
                                                by winner), winner holding their 'winning' Mix Tape.

Two page spread feature article:
Main photograph- The band pulling apart a cassette tape (links to brand identity)
School photographs- A school photograph of each of the band members (two) (links
                               to what is being said in the article)
Three polaroid style photographs-The band 'busking' with guitar (links to what is being
                                                   said in the article)
                                                  - The album cover to the band's new CD
                                                  - A fun one of the band, maybe with face paint?Props:
. Green 'Lambretta'
. Guitar
Cassette Tape

. Studio shoot
. Outside by a tree

Models and Costume:
. Victoria- I have chosen Victoria to be 'Prue Sierra' because her looks promote the indie genre that my music magazine will show. The costume that she will wear will be jeans, a simple t-shirt, a brown leather jacket, scarf and brown boots. I think showing her in this simple style helps the audience to relate to her as she wears the types of things that they do.
.Rhianna- I have chosen Rhianna to be 'Morwena Scott' because she is a good contrast to Victoria showing the differing personalities of the band. The costume Rhianna will wear will be a wooley jumper, jeans and converse shoes- this again promotes the normal everyday life look.

Layout idea for the Two Page Feature Article in My Music Magazine

Layout idea for the Contents Page for My Music Magazine


Layout ideas for the Front Cover of My Music Magazine



Thursday, 7 November 2013

Masthead fonts

For my music magazine's name I have chosen 'Mix tape' as I believe this has the best representation of the genre and artists I will show in the magazine.
Here are some ideas for the Mastheads of my music magazine.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

My music magazine-Brand Names

Here I explore the brand name for my music magazines and explore the connotations behind each of them:

My Music Magazine- Contents Page (Artists)

Here are a list of potential bands names that could be used in my contents page:

Off The Wall- Are they ready to split?

Apple in my eye- Back with their UK tour!

Piper Strand- Loving the music after the band

The Gizmos- With their fifth album out, have they still got it?
Author's Note- Explain their long wondered story...
Jared Malone- Talks to us about his new single recorded for a hit new film.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

My Music Magazine- Photography

Here is a mood board for the type of photography (setting, props, artists' appearance and expressions) that I will use in my music magazine.

My Music Magazine- Artists

Readership Profile- Mood Board

This is a mood board for my readership profile.

Readership Profile (Rachel)

Here is a readership profile of a typical person who would regularly buy my music magazine.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Analysis of contents page (Q)

The purpose of a contents page is to inform the reader what is going to be in the magazine e.g. page numbers of feature articles. And to show the reader they have mage the right choice by buying their magazine because it is packed with information. Here are some way in which 'Q' does this:

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Qualitative Research into Readership Profile

Quantitative Research into Readership Profile

As part of my research into Readership Profile I gave out 20 questionnaires to both male and females to find out their preferences for music magazines: